
29 March 2012

What does PostPartum Depression feel like?

I see and hear this question a lot. It's not one that has an easy answer. There are certain symptoms that are indicators of PostPartum Depression, but one thing that I think I can say with certainty is that there is no way to say how everyone who has it will feel. Some people can't sleep, some people sleep all the time. Some people are constantly angry, some are only angry in flashes of rage, some are never angry and always sad, some are numb.

I can't say how PostPartum Depression feels for anyone else (other than absolutely awful) but I can tell you how it felt for me. Even there I can't tell you everything because it was simply too complex to describe precisely, and half the time I wasn't even feeling anything, but I think I can sort of sum it up.

It felt arid. Dry. Desolate.
Like wandering alone in a barren desert.
No water, no food, no company.
Like help was somewhere out there.
I would think I saw an oasis occasionally.
When I got closer, it was just a mirage.

It felt like fog. Gray. Dull. Oppressive.
Like I was just in a haze.
Sitting in the rocking chair, rocking my baby.
Sometimes crying, mostly staring into space.
Wanting to feel but not really.
Even the pain was often just a dull ache.

It felt cold. Alone.
Like being adrift at sea, alone, a chunk of ice.
Separated from everything and everyone.
Going where the current decides, with no control
over my own fate, emotions, or destination.

It felt wild. Out of control.
Like being a drop of water in a raging creek.
Rushing along. Crashing against the rocks.
Tossing and frothing.
And yet, watching from a distance.
Not really part of my own existence.

It felt like all these things at one time, or sometimes like only one or two. But most of all, it just felt numb.
It felt like I was just there. Sometimes it felt like I wasn't even really there. 
Like I was just watching myself from a distance.
Sometimes I thought I saw a flash of sunlight through the clouds. 
But mostly it felt like a deep hole, an abandoned train tunnel. 
Devoid of light. 

There was hope out there, and eventually I found it. But it took a long time and that time felt like it would never end. It was like being trapped in a nightmare that you can't wake up from.

The good news is, one day I woke up. 

The fog lifted and the sun broke through the clouds. 

There were colors. There was clarity. I could see.
There was a hint of a shadow lingering at the edges.
A reminder of what I went through, 
but no longer overshadowing my entire life.

The worst was behind me. 
I was able to sail forwards.
I was no longer stuck being tossed about in the waves,
churned by the wake.
I was free.
I could move on.

If the feeling of being stuck was the worst feeling ever, the feeling of finally being free was the best.


27 March 2012

Update on the BabyCenter "Can color cure PPD" kerfuffle

Earlier today, I posted about BabyCenter's disturbing tweet and blog post regarding color as a possible cure for PPD and a clothing giveaway. I am happy to say that BabyCenter tweeted this afternoon:

    We are sorry! 

I followed the link and found that it took me to their response to my post on their Facebook wall:

The text, in case there's any weirdness with the image, reads:

Dear Babycenter, are you planning to post an apology and statement of how PostPartum Depression is something that should be taken seriously and NOT something that should ever be reduced to a marketing ploy, as it was when you Tweeted "Can color cure PPD?" to take people to a link for a post on your site that was a giveaway for nursing clothing? If you'd like to know how this made me, a PPD survivor, feel, please check out my blog post on the topic.
Hi Esther - We’re so sorry that this blog post made it seem like BabyCenter doesn’t take PPD seriously. The blogger has since changed the title and agrees it was a poor choice of words, especially since the post was about a product giveaway. We absolutely understand that PPD is a devastating illness and want to support moms who are in that dark place. Here is a link to a group in our comminity where moms can find support for PPD.

I'm very happy with this response from BabyCenter. It was an unfortunate incident but hopefully one that can and will be learned from by everyone. The lesson for corporations is to think carefully about the issues you use for marketing purposes. There are many lessons for those of us who are not mega corporations but the one that stands out to me the most is that, contrary to the attitude some people have, online activism can and DOES make a difference.

Many people saw this and got involved. People tweeted, blogged, tweeted the blogs, and commented directly to the original post on BabyCenter. People saw something that didn't sit right with them and instead of sitting back and saying "Well, that sucks, I hope someone does something about it", they decided to be the someone and do something about it instead of just thinking about it. This is the way to bring about change and education, to combat ignorance. It's a lesson that applies to many issues, not just PPD. Whatever your topic/crusade is, your voice can make a difference. Be the change you want to see. Don't wait for someone else to light a candle in the darkness, strike your own match. The original BabyCenter post and tweet were an example of ignorance and this happy update is an example of how to fight it. Don't just sit on the sidelines of the battle, join it.

Dear BabyCenter, PostPartum Depression is not a marketing tool

This morning, as usual, I hopped on Twitter and started scrolling through my feed. There were a number of interesting tweets about everything fromPPD to the Death Penalty to the Trayyvon Martin case to discussions of the impending Wrestlemania 28 and everything in between. One tweet in particular from @mrsocraticmeth caught my eye, though: 

seriously.  kills and  has whipped back to the 50's to suggest women try prettying up some, not "SEE A DOCTOR RIGHT AWAY".

My initial reaction was "What the what?!?". I tweeted back asking for a link and then went searching for the culprit, hoping that this was all one big mistake. But no, I went to Babycenter's Twitter page and immediately found the Tweet and link I was pretty sure was causing the uproar. The tweet said

Can color cure PPD? (Bravado Spring Giveaway!)

Of course I immediately (after a solid minute of staring at my screen wondering if I was still asleep or, perhaps, hallucinating) went to the link. For posterity's sake, I'll copy the entire text here:
*Note* Photos removed since not everyone who reads this will want to see a bra picture
When I had my son four years ago, I was a hormonal mess. What with nursing round the clock, barely sleeping, and stressing about being a new mom 24-7, I could honestly say I’ve never been so dejected. Everything made me cry those first few months and I would go from being ecstatic one minute to sad the next. And while I would not color may not cure PPD, which is a very serious condition best left to doctor’s treatments, there is something to be said of boosting your mood through color therapy.
So when Bravado (the one nursing bra and tank that got me through that first year) told me that they were releasing brighter, happier colors just in time for Spring, I was thrilled. I started thinking: since mom practically lives in her nursing bras the first year, could the bright hues offer some color therapy and boost both her and baby’s mood? I really think the answer is YES!
Here’s why I love Bravado. They really understand women and post-natal issues. The tank can be worn anywhere. In bed, in yoga class and even under a nice outfit for work. You really feel they have you covered. And it’s not like it’s a little bitty bra shelf in there. The bra inside is completely fitted and comes in a variety of cup sizes for your new shape. The bras are also perfect for new moms. Seamless construction, perfect fit and just enough coverage to make you feel like you’re not going to fall out of anything. And while I only had black for each of these products, I still wonder how my mood could have improved if I had these gorgeous new colors to choose from.
So with all the new colors just in time for Spring, fashionistas can celebrate. Pair the bright orange Tiger Lily with muted earth tones for a look that jumps off the runway. The turquoise tank can be paired with white and fun beads to give you that I’ve been lounging in the South of France look. And the honeysuckle bra is a color known to attract bees, butterflies and obviously honey, so what better color is there to attract your new nursing baby?
Now remember, these colors are all limited edition. And Tiger Lily is only available for pre-order. So get ready to buy because these will sell out fast!
>>GIVEAWAY! To celebrate spring, color and new babies, we’re giving away an amazing prize package from Bravado worth $200! One winner will get the rainbow of colors assortment that include a Tiger Lily Essentials Tank, one Honeysuckle Body Silk Seamless Nursing Bra, Turquoise Tank, and the sexy Sublime in Black Purple for those last-minute date nights. Here’s how to win:
1. Comment here on your favorite color for Spring
2. Sign up for A-List Mom emails! That’s it icon smile Can color help post partum blues? (Bravado Spring Giveaway!)
Good luck!
Rules: Entries must be submitted by March 30, 2012 by 11.59 pm ET. U.S. residents only. No purchase necessary. Contest not open to employees of BabyCenter and their families. Winner must reply to claim prize within 72 hours of receiving the email notifying them they have won. Please expect 3-5 weeks for delivery of prize.
Photo: Bravado

I shook my head a few times, pinched my hand, slapped my cheeks, and was convinced that unfortunately, this was neither a bad dream nor a hallucination. While pondering and trying to process this nonsense, I went back to Twitter and continued scrolling through my feed. Lo and behold, I found that Lauren Hale of My PostPartum Voice had already blogged about it. Lauren is one of my favorite PPD bloggers and tweeters, right up there with Katherine Stone of PostPartum Progress, and for good reason. Not only does she run the weekly twitter support group #PPDChat, her tweets and her blog tackle difficult issues (as though there are any other kind associated with PPD) with passion, fire, strength, and grace. Her post about the BabyCenter kerfuffle is certainly no exception. I won't post the entire text because I want everyone to go to her blog and get sucked in like I was, but I want to quote the part of her post that struck a chord with me the most:

Imagine being presented with an ornately wrapped box. Your fingers deftly remove the gorgeous exterior paper, your expectations growing as you wonder what could be inside such a beautiful package. Once you have the wrapping off and open the lid, there’s nothing but stale air inside.
Is how vulnerable mothers feel after they read your post. Let down, disappointed, upset, and angry.
Postpartum Depression is very real and a rocky road to travel. Please don’t pretend it’s a premium paved interstate requiring us to pay a toll to you to catch a ride to recovery.

I doubt that I can address BabyCenter's ill-advised, disappointing, and offensive post as well as she has but I'm going to give it a go. The tweet itself is shocking. "Can colour cure PPD?". %$#^$$#@^. Now, as I've said before, I'm not one to say what does and doesn't work for anyone else, all I know is what worked for me. But what I can say is that my first thought was that someone got a wild hair up their tush and BabyCenter had decided to follow in the very dangerous path of offering a "Guaranteed cure for PPD", in the style of Sheryl Paul and Jackie Hall. Instead, I found that BabyCenter is doing something just as reprehensible (in my book anyways), they are reducing PostPartum Depression to a marketing tool.

Not even addressing the fact that this advertisement for this product is poorly written, jumps around, and lacks cohesiveness, and just doesn't flow well at all (if you're going to be offensive with your marketing, at least make it high quality), the first thing that jumps out at me is that they are essentially saying that PostPartum Depression isn't really a big issue, it's just something that can be toyed with and used to make money, generate page hits, etc. 

The second thing that jumps out is what Lauren addressed. I can not imagine being someone stuck in the middle of the nightmare that is PPD, seeing a tweet like that, feeling a flash of hope and thinking "Oh! Maybe this is something that could make my PPD goa away!", and then following the link and discovering that it's nothing more than a give-away that's intended to get people to buy nursing clothes. I think my mood would probably crash even lower than it was before, I'd probably feel some combination of despair, disappointment, heartbreak, and sheer rage. How dare they get my hopes up like that just for a stupid giveaway?

BabyCenter is playing a very dangerous game with a lot of people's emotions, many of whom are already vulnerable and at risk. PostPartum Depression is a serious problem and BabyCenter should know that well enough to treat it as such instead of playing around. Would they tweet "Can colour cure breast cancer?" to get people to go to a post about a pink bra giveaway? I highly doubt it and if they did, I can easily imagine the instant public outcry, perhaps by well-known organizations that participate in fund-raising and awareness campaigns, petitions that would have 500,000 signatures in the space of an hour, and memes and statuses that would go viral on Facebook in a matter of minutes. I doubt that BabyCenter would even dream of doing something like that, so why would they do this with PostPartum Depression, and why are more people not up in arms about it already? If it were Breast Cancer, people who have never had BC would be screaming for someone to by lynched, so why is it taking longer for people who have never experienced PPD to call for an apology from BabyCenter? 

My guess would be that it's just another indication of the fact that America doesn't yet take PPD nearly as seriously as it should be taken. Many of us are blogging, Tweeting, Facebooking, and talking everywhere we can as loudly as we can to get PPD recognized more widely as the crucial issue that it is, to educate people and combat the stigma that exists around it, but it doesn't exactly help our case when you have a giant like BabyCenter pulling shenanigans like this.

PostPartum Depression is something I personally have dealt with. I was hospitalized twice with it and spent months on medication. My family was affected by it and I still sometimes, almost 3 years later, suffer from guilt, shame, and regret over something that wasn't even remotely my fault. To BabyCenter I say that to you it may just be a marketing tool, but to me and to others who have actually gone through it ourselves, it is so much more, and your trivialization of it hurts us deeply. I only hope that your little game doesn't do irreparable damage to someone who is going through this dark tunnel right now.


25 March 2012

Oh, (s)he must have PTSD/PPD/etc., right?

Recently, the news has been full of the developing story of SSG Robert Bales, a soldier in the US Army who stands accused of sneaking off his base in Kandahar, Afghanistan and then opening fire in houses in nearby villages. The death toll currently stands at 17, many of whom are women and children. He also allegedly set some of the bodies on fire after killing them.

The media has, naturally, been buzzing over this story, and the situation has also been a hot topic on multiple forms of Social Media, including (but not limited to) discussion forums, Facebook, and Twitter. It's totally understandable. What happened is undeniably an inexcusable atrocity and if people weren't shocked and horrified, I think I'd find that incredibly disturbing in and of itself. The fact that people respond so strongly and negatively to such actions is good. However, there is something that does disturb me about the response to SSG Bales' alleged actions. Upon thinking about it, I realized that it actually ties in with PostPartum Mood Disorders too and the reaction to stories like those of Casey Anthony, Otty Sanchez, and Andrea Yates.

Many Americans seem to have the immediate reaction to SSG Bales' story that "Oh, he MUST have PTSD/TBI/etc.". (*note*TBI = Traumatic Brain Injury) When a mother stands accused of killing her children the immediate response often seems to be to jump right to "Oh, she must have PostPartum Depression". This perturbs me. Why? Not even getting into the fact that most people are actually thinking of PostPartum Psychosis and getting the two PPMD mixed up, the reason I want to focus on in this blog post is this... why do so many of us automatically assume that for something like this to happen, it must be the result of a mental health issue? Why couldn't it be religious extremism, drug/alcohol related, prejudice, or even just plain evil people doing evil things?

I believe that to jump right to mental health being the explanation does a disservice to the many people who do have mental health issues and never do anything like this. It is my personal opinion that it furthers the stereotypes and negative stigma associated with mental health issues. To continue with the specific examples of soldiers with PTSD and moms who suffer from a PPMD, it has the very real danger of causing people to look at soldiers returning from combat with the suspicion of "Soldiers who are deployed get PTSD and then go on murderous rampages" or to look at new moms and go "Oh, she's struggling with PostPartum Depression, she might kill her child(ren).".

In my humble opinion, immediately assuming that someone who did something awful must have done so because of a mental health issue furthers the stigma that needs to be eradicated. Who wants to admit that they are struggling if they figure they're just going to be lumped in as a potential murderer?

Otty Sanchez and Andrea Yates did have PostPartum Mood Disorders and Otty Sanchez had some other mental health issues. Casey Anthony was found "Not Guilty" (and please, let's NOT make this about whether or not we feel she actually did it or anything of the like). MAJ Nidal Hasan, awaiting trial for the Ft. Hood shootings in 2009, was found mentally competent to stand trial. Time will tell whether SSG Bales has a case of PTSD/TBI that contributed to what he is accused of doing in Afghanistan. I am not a medical professional and my knowledge of his case is limited to what I read/hear/see in the media and online. It is entirely possible that a mental health problem factored in for SSG Bales. But we just don't know and I'd rather not assume that he does as a way of trying to rationalize/explain what happened. Sometimes really horrible things happen (yes I know, huge understatement), but they're not always the result of a mental health issue. Let's stop feeding that stereotype and start heading towards a thought process that both consciously and subconsciously recognizes that mental health issues are not always the root of evil acts.

22 March 2012

Let's make Capitol Hill take notice that PPMD needs to be a priority.

Once again, I've been inspired by something I read on PostPartum Progress. Today, Katherine posted the following article:
Yesterday, the federal government heralded the Affordable Care Act and how it helps women.  They touted the fact that, “20.4 million women with private health insurance gained expanded preventive services with no cost-sharing in 2011, including mammograms, cervical cancer screenings, prenatal care, flu and pneumonia shots, and regular well-baby and well-child visits.” They trumpeted the fact that, “… 8.7 million American women currently purchasing individual insurance will gain coverage for maternity services.”
Better healthcare for women is a great thing, but here’s what I want to know: What about the mothers with postpartum depression? What about postpartum depression screening?
Section 2952 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,enacted two years ago, called for more research into PPD screening,  increased awareness for postpartum depression and better services for women who have it.  Where are those things? When might they be coming? Why has no money been appropriated?
I read the brief that was released this week, entitled The Affordable Care Act and Women. It lauds the legislation’s sections 1001, 1401, 1421, 2001, 2401, 2404, 3509, 4104, 4201. I didn’t see anything about section 2952. I care about those other sections, I truly do. But it’s my job to care most about section 2952. I really, really need to see action on 2952. I want to work with the federal government to get 2952 off the ground.
WE NEED 2952.
Are you with me? Do you care about 2952? Are you wondering why more isn’t done?
My initial reaction was "WTF?!?". Then I sighed. Then I thought "Wow, I wish there was something I could do. I'm no good at writing online petitions, just at signing them.". Then, I happened to see a tweet from one of my US Senators, John Cornyn. Senator Cornyn tweeted 
"Funny if it were'nt painfully true RT@Doctorfreefall:@JohnCornyn Obama has approved his "Pipeline to nowhere!". ". 
This was just the latest in a line of tweets taking aim at President Obama. I thought back on the Tweets I usually see from my elected officials. I follow (on Twitter) President Barack Obama, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Senator John Cornyn (Texas' Senators), and Congressman John Carter (Texas, District 31, U.S. House of Representatives). I tend to see a lot of tweets that are partisan politics, a politician taking aim at either another politician or the "other" party, etc. So I thought "If they have time to tweet about why we shouldn't like another politician/candidate or why one party is better than the other or what exactly the other party is doing wrong, they should CERTAINLY have time to read - and respond to - a tweet about an issue that affects constituents across party lines!"

I proceeded to tweet to all four something along the lines of  
 Pls make care/research for  a priority. Signed,1 of your voters  via 
It had to be tweaked and edited depending on who I was tweeting, to allow for the 140 character limit. However, that is the copy-and-pasted tweet I sent to Congressman Carter

After that, I thought "Why not tweet about this to Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney too? To them, I tweeted 
"What is your stance on bettering care&improving access to that care for women w/ ? What about research?"

I'm not holding my breath that any of them will respond to my one tweet. Really, my hope is that more people will see this and start tweeting the same types of questions and requests to THEIR elected officials and to the presidential candidates. My one little voice may not register on their radar but hopefully, if we can get a whole bunch of voices raised together, they'll start to listen (and maybe even respond?). 

Let's start a Twitter campaign to bring awareness of the need for PostPartum Mood Disorder research to be made a higher priority on a national level, to the need for our elected officials to work to improve the standards and quality of care for those who are suffering or will do so in the future, to improve the ease of access and affordability to this care so that no woman has to worry about whether her insurance will cover her care or whether she'll be able to find a medical professional who will help her how she needs it, when she needs it. Let's remind our elected officials that they are elected by us to work for us, to represent us and our interests. Will you join me in this endeavor?

If you don't know who your elected officials are, find out. Once you know, look up and see if they have Twitter accounts(I've been able to find this information on their .gov websites). I've provided the Twitter handles for the President, the two US Senators from Texas, and the Congressman who represents Texas District 31 in the U.S. House of Representatives, as well as Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum. Once you have the Twitter info you need, Tweet away. Feel free to use the tweets I sent out or compose your own. The main thing is to let them know that we will not be silent, that we are here, and that we are watching and listening, that we expect them to do their jobs in taking care of us, even if it means taking a break from party politics and (heaven forbid!) working together. And one of the beauties of this is that as we tweet about this, every time we @ one of those politicians, everyone who follows them can see that tweet. We have the potential to reach literally hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people.

If you don't have Twitter or don't use it or, for whatever reason, don't want to get involved on Twitter. You can still join in the effort. Link this post and others related on your Facebook. Send it to your friends and family. There are so many ways that you can help spread the word that it's time to make Capitol Hill take notice. Many of us suffered through a PPMD in silence, our families may have suffered in silence with us. We don't have to be silent any longer. Will you join me?

If you have ideas or suggestions, please feel free to comment and share them here!

20 March 2012

One of the attitudes that makes it hard to seek help

Today, I was reading through my Twitter feed (I do that every once in a while) and came across a link from Katherine Stone of PostPartum Progress. She had tweeted a link to an article (from Psychology Today) titled "Why Are Healthcare Providers Not Listening?" The article talked about the fact that PostPartum women are reaching out for help for PPMD symptoms and getting a whole lot of silence. It was a wonderful article that I highly encourage everyone to go read. I liked it so much that I shared it on my Facebook news feed. One person in particular, responding to a comment about a soldier who had been taken to the ER after a suicide attempt and turned away because the beds were needed for "something more serious", had this to say:

"As serious as suicide may be, I would think potential nonvoluntary deaths should take priority in any sort of triage situation."

Now. This is someone I know in person. He's a great guy. I'm trying very hard to not make him in particular my focus on a personal level. My focus here is on this: this type of attitude is, in my opinion, one of the prime contributors to people with mental health issues having difficulty seeking help. This is not just something that this one person is saying. This is an attitude that MANY people in our society have and have no problem expressing

The underlying message, whether consciously intended or not, is that "Attempted suicide/mental illness is not as important as *insert other 'nonvoluntary potential death' causing issue/illness/condition/event here*."Ifound it ironic that a response to the article that was talking about women who are seeking treatment for PPMD and NOT getting it illustrated so clearly that treating and helping people with mental health issues, and/or people who have/are thinking about attempting suicide, is not as high a priority as treating someone who was shot, stabbed, in a car wreck, has a terminal illness, or any other "nonvoluntary potential death" or problem.

In a sense, this person is right. Helping someone who has attempted suicide is NOT as high a priority as helping someone who was in a car wreck. However, it certainly should be. Knowing that it's not, and hearing people say things like this, seeing this very attitude displayed, is part of what made it so hard for me to reach out and seek help when I was struggling with PostPartum Depression. It's part of what made it hard for people I know and love with PTSD to seek help. When the message you get is "Your problem is not as important" or "Attempted suicide should be a lower priority in triage", why on earth would you make yourself vulnerable and admit something that's already hard to admit, why would you reach out for help, if you think that help is going to be denied and that your feelings of inferiority are just going to be confirmed by others?

Now. I know this person and I know other people who have made statements like this. They are not people who go around looking for ways to belittle and push others down. Statements and attitudes like this are often the result of ignorance. That ignorance can only be changed through advocacy, public discourse, and education. That's why my blog, and others like it, exist. However, the attitudes and statements, the ignorance, don't just need to be addressed on the level of talking to my friends on Facebook and Twitter. It has to be addressed and changed in healthcare professionals, hospitals, clinics, etc. Hospitals shouldn't be turning people away if they don't have a bed to admit them after a suicide attempt. Instead of "Well, we just don't have room for you, later dude", the response should be "We're going to keep you in the ER until we find a hospital that DOES have room for you, at which point you will be transferred via ambulance." or something along those lines.

Make no mistake though, whether we're talking about doctors, nurses, or the people on my Facebook and Twitter feeds, this attitude HAS, and I do mean HAS, to be changed. As long as this attitude is out there and people feel comfortable not only making statements like this but then defending them, it will be that much harder for people to reach out and say "I need help". I speak as someone who has been there, done that. Change is needed and it all starts with awareness.

10 March 2012

My thoughts on "The REAL PostPartum Depression Treatment".

Lately, I've been suffering a lack of inspiration. Maybe I should call it writer's block. I have ideas and topics out the wazoo but I can never manage to write anything remotely readable about any of them. However, I think that I've finally got something I can write about. 

I was browsing the internet for PPD blogs, looking for some more to add to my blogroll, and came across a link for Jackie Hall's "Our REAL PostPartum Depression Treatment". The title caught my attention so I clicked the link. What I read had my eyebrows hitting the roof. Due to the sheer length of the text, I'm not going to copy and paste the entire thing to this blog entry but I have (for posterity's sake) put the entire text here. However, I'd like to include some of my... er... favorite... excerpts here.
Believe me, as someone who has struggled with postpartum depression… I can help you UNDERSTAND exactly what it takes to get you back to your happy, care-free self.
Oh how nice. Without being a trained medical professional with access to your medical history, much less access to any labwork, she can diagnose you AND tell you how to fix it! 
In fact, I was able to come up with 5 simple but powerful steps that will help ANY new mum get through her battle with after-pregnancy sadness and depression.
Wow, I didn't realize that everyone reacted the same to any particular treatment plan. My doctors and therapists must have been clueless since they said quite the opposite. 
More importantly, you can learn how to get that happy life back in just a few minutes from now.
How much better do you think it will be for you when you know EXACTLY what you need to do to get back to living the happy life you KNOW you were meant to live?
And how much better will you feel knowing you’re being the best Mum you possibly can be for your children?
Now, maybe it's just me, but this reads an awful lot like a guilt trip, like if you don't take her up on her miraculous offer, you'll be being the opposite of "the best mum you can possibly be for your children". Great. Just what moms with PPD (or any other PPMD) need to hear: that they're being the worst mum they can. 
My 12 week step by step Postpartum Depression Recovery Program will help you overcome the feelings of overwhelm and stress that can make motherhood seem almost unbearable at times.
Anyone who claims that their program WILL help you overcome PostPartum Depression is full of baloney. Any competent medical professional will tell you that there's no guarantee that any particular treatment (medical or otherwise) absolutely WILL work. Any time you're dealing with a medical problem, to include mental health, it's very much a trial and error process. Nobody can be guaranteed that they will respond a particular way to a particular treatment. Shoot, even treating something as simple as an ear infection gets a statement of "This antibiotic usually has success but bring your daughter back in about a week so we can make sure the ear infection is clearing up". 

Bottom line is… if you learn the right mindset and approach to these challenges, you can change your defeated, negative, sad and depressed feedlings and begin feeling more happiness and enjoyment for life. All feelings are a result of your thinking. This program arms you with the ability to change this thinking (even in the heat of the moment) and handle ANY situation that arises in your life.
Actually, the bottom line is that if you are suffering PostPartum Depression, you need to seek immediate medical attention from trained medical professionals. Also, some feelings are not the result of your thinking but the result of hormonal imbalances. 
What’s more is that you don’t need to keep rolling around in the events of your past to get better. This only reinforces the thinking that underlies your depression. This program will teach you once and for all how to change this thinking and STOP feeling so bad about yourself and your life.
 I feel like a broken record, but hormonal imbalances are quite often what TRULY underlies PPD. My PPD wasn't caused by "bad thinking" or "rolling around in the events of my past". I won't say they are always the underlying problem because unlike some people, I don't claim to know what causes PPD for everyone or how to fix it for everyone. All I know is what helped me, and I don't even know that that would be the correct course of treatment for me if I dealt with it again.

All that’s happening is that you have negative, self-defeating thoughts that are poisoning your mind. These need to be corrected and I can teach you how to do this.
So what about those of us for whom "all that's happening" is that our thyroid is malfunctioning, or we have some other type of hormonal imbalance, or any of the other medical problems that so often are the culprit behind a PPMD? Correcting those :negative, self-defeating thoughts" that are "poisoning our minds" isn't going to cause hormone levels to get back to where they need to be. 
With The Postpartum Depression Recovery Program, not only will you stop your postpartum depression, but you’ll also learn how to put a stop to the cycle of handing down the same depression-causing beliefs to your children.
Again, sounding like a broken record, but guaranteeing that this little "How to change your thoughts" program WILL stop your PPD is both dangerous AND irresponsible. "Depression-causing beliefs" can not always be assumed to be THE reason someone is struggling from a PPMD.
I’ll show you how to eliminate the negative energy that’s causing you to feel this way.
Ok, so what about eliminating the medical problems that are causing me to feel this way? 
You’re going to become a much better Mum, parent, and role-model because of it.
Again with the implied guilt trip, that if you don't buy her program you will not be a "much better Mum, parent, and role-model". 
I’m going to lay out the exact steps you need to follow… so you no longer have to wonder if you’re doing all the right things.
That must be why I occasionally still wonder "Am I doing it (it being parenting) right? Am I messing up?". And here I always thought that was just a normal part of parenting since nobody (except, apparently, Jackie Hall) is born or automatically imbued at childbirth with all the answers to every single situation that will come up in child-raising. Does this make it my mom's fault, for not buying this program and thus handing down all this negative energy to me, or my fault for not buying the program for myself? Maybe it's BOTH our faults!
Better yet, you can learn ALL of it in just a few minutes… so you can start feeling more like yourself a lot sooner.
So if I can learn it all in just a few minutes, why is it a 12-week program?

Here’s what you’ll notice after using the Postpartum Depression Recovery Program:
  • RELIEF as you discover that what’s happening to you can be changed quickly and easily.
 You know, as long as your PPD isn't caused by a medical problem that needs medical treatment from a medical professional.
  • An UNDERSTANDING of why you got PPD in the first place (in fact it will make perfect sense to you after completing the first week’s lesson!)
I can probably give an even more educated guess than she is, I'll do it right now, and I won't even charge you anything: you probably got PPD because you had a baby and your body hasn't quite regulated itself properly yet! 
Well, let me ask… what price can you put on feeling better about yourself?
What’s your happiness worth?
Let's see: at 19.95/week for 12 weeks, apparently it's worth  239.40, assuming there's no tax added on.
You’d spend thousands of dollars going to see a doctor.
Actually, that depends very much on minor details like insurance, the type of treatment, etc. Thanks to my insurance (which I am very lucky to have), the only thing I paid was co-pays on medication. 
In fact, if you do feel you’re suicidal or in a deep, deep depression, I suggest you get medical help right away.
I included this because at least she's adding in that caveat. Last time I blogged about a program like this was when I read about Sheryl Paul and her program, and there was no such caveat at the time (I have no idea if she's changed it since). However, I do not feel that adding in "If you feel suicidal you should seek medical help right away" in any way excuses the rest of what she's saying... but at least she's saying it about suicidal feelings.
And since I can offer this system to you as an online, downloadable system… there are no printing or shipping costs. That way, I can pass along the savings to you.
If you join today, the Postpartum Recovery Program is now only $79.00 $19.95 a week!
I'm going to take a wild guess that her page always says that as an added method of trying to get people to buy instantly, feeling that they don't want to miss this INCREDIBLE opportunity. 
I can honestly say that there’s NEVER been a resource for mums that gives you the support, guidance, and knowledge you need for such an unbelievably affordable price.
Actually, there are other programs that are hyped up as exactly the same thing that are more affordable... Additionally, there are resources that give support, guidance, and knowledge for free, they just don't claim to promise to heal you.
I just know this 12 week program is going to help ease your pains and frustrations… and solve your problems that you’re facing as a new mum who has suddenly found herself overwhelmed.
Oh, so this program is going to come to my house and help me do laundry, grocery shopping, take care of the baby so I can get a nap or get more than 3 hours of sleep at one fell swoop, make my beat-up lady bits feel better, make me feel attractive, magically cause my extra poundage to drop off, and take the kid for a while so my husband and I can go on a date? AWESOME! Now THAT is something I would pay 19.95/week for.
You know… I’m very confident this postpartum depression recovery program will give you everything you need so you can start feeling happy and like yourself again.
I’ve already tested and proven it with my own success. And it has also worked for each and every Mum who has seriously followed along in the program.
Ah, so the women for whom it DIDN'T work must have just not been following along seriously enough. Roger. It's really their fault.

Believe it or not, I actually left out a lot of what she wrote. These are just the lowlights highlights. There are so many problems with what she's written. There are so many dangers to programs like this and to hers specifically. The first one that comes to my mind is the fact that she's not saying "Regardless of how 'mild' a case you feel like you're dealing with, you should be seeking medical treatment and bringing my program up with them to see if it is a viable candidate for your treatment.'. She doesn't even begin to go into the fact that PPD is so much more complex than "negative energy" or "faulty thought processes", the fact that it is a legitimate MEDICAL problem that NEEDS to be treated by a medical professional who has some sort of degree or certification proving that they have been trained in how to treat issues like this. Even if that treatment consists of one visit with a doctor who says "You know, why don't we try out this program and see if it benefits you", after determining that there's not an underlying issue like hypothyroidism or other hormonal imbalances AND determining that your PPD is not, in fact, a lot worse than you realize it is, you need to see a medical professional first.

I'm also pretty upset with the "Blame the victim" mentality. And regardless of whether she realizes that's what she's doing, that's what she's doing. She is essentially telling everyone that "This is because of something YOU are doing or not doing. This is the result of the thoughts that YOU choose to think.". Like I said before, the LAST thing a mom with PPD needs is someone (else) telling her that her PPD is her fault.

I had planned to take this blog post to also cover an article I found that she wrote but I didn't realize this would be as long as it is, so I'll save that for another day. The thing I want most for everyone reading this to take away from this post is that the first thing you should do when you realize you're dealing with PPD (or start having concerns about how you're feeling after having a baby) is to call your doctor. Please please please, don't go online and buy some program instead. Any type of treatment, whether pills, therapy, or something online to change your outlook, should ONLY be started under the guidance, supervision, and approval of your medical professional. And any time you read about a program that guarantees a fix to your PPMD, you probably ought to just run the other way because anyone who claims to be able to diagnose and guarantee to treat you successfully like that... well... just no. There are no guarantees about treatment for anything, and anyone with even a SHRED of integrity who has developed a treatment will tell you that.

If you are suffering from PPD, it is not your fault. Please don't buy into the line of BS that it's because of bad energy or faulty thought processes or because you're "rolling around in events from your past". You are beautiful, wonderful, and loved. You are strong. There is hope out there and you can find help. Please do seek that help... from your trained medical professional.

The entire text of Jackie Hall's "Our REAL PostPartum Depression Treatment".

This is the entire text of Jackie Hall's 12-week PPD treatment program. The link at which I found this gem is

Our REAL Postpartum Depression Treatment

This page is for ANY Mum who feels completely alone…

or who feels like the WORST mum in the world.

“Mums: If You’re Feeling Sad, Hopeless,
Overwhelmed, and Alone… and Don’t Know
Where to Turn For Real Help… then what you read next will Be The
Most Important Letter You Ever Read.”

Here’s The True Story Of How I Went From Being So Depressed I NEVER
Wanted To Get Out Of Bed In The Morning… To Being Happier Than
I’ve Ever Been in My Entire Life…
As a former postpartum depression sufferer, I want to share my breakthrough recovery
secrets with you… so you can live the happy, joy-filled life you deserve!

Dear new Mum:
I have a few questions I’d like to ask you. Please, be open and honest with yourself as you answer them.
Are you happy right now? I mean, really happy? Are you at a point in your life where everything’s great?
Or… do you feel like there’s a dark cloud hanging over you?
Do you feel like you’re constantly battling negative thoughts… and they’re making you feel overwhelmed and depressed?
Do you often find yourself with feelings of hopelessness, despair, or sadness? Are you frustrated because it causes such a burden and pain in your everyday life?
Do you find yourself with low energy and it’s tough to get motivated to do what you need to do?
Do you usually find yourself worrying or full of anxiety about the small things in your life?
Do you get angry or even lash out, for no apparent reason, at your kids or other loved ones? Do you ever feel that you’re alone, even when you’re in a room full of other people?
Do you feel like your life would be better if you didn’t feel this way all the time?
If you’re a new Mum who feels alone and in a very dark place right now… then chances are you’re probably struggling with postpartum depression.
And believe it or not, this happens to women more than you think. It’s quite common and it doesn’t mean you’re crazy.
More importantly, I’m going to show you the way out of the dark place you’re in right now.
I want you to know that…
You are NOT Alone… and There IS Hope!
Believe me, as someone who has struggled with postpartum depression… I can help you UNDERSTAND exactly what it takes to get you back to your happy, care-free self.
In fact, I was able to come up with 5 simple but powerful steps that will help ANY new mum get through her battle with after-pregnancy sadness and depression.
More importantly, you can learn how to get that happy life back in just a few minutes from now.
How much better do you think it will be for you when you know EXACTLY what you need to do to get back to living the happy life you KNOW you were meant to live?
And how much better will you feel knowing you’re being the best Mum you possibly can be for your children?

My Own Personal Journey…
Hi. My name is Jackie Hall… mum, parenting coach and author of The Happy Mum Handbook.
I’ve been where you are right now. I’ve personally been on the roller coaster of loving motherhood one minute… and hating it the next.
So I know how you feel.
I know from personal experience how frustrating it can be to live in constant sadness and feelings of being all alone. And I also know what it’s like to live with the vicious cycle of anger, self-criticism, guilt, and overwhelm… feeling like the worst mother in the world because of it.
This can cause a lot of stress and frustration and can negatively affect your happiness and quality of life for both YOU and your family.
You see… six months after the birth of my second son, I found myself suffering from postpartum depression.
And it caused me to feel so sad and alone all the time.
As time went on, it only got worse because life seemed to become nothing more than a vicious circle.
I dreaded things like getting up at the crack of dawn, dealing with tantrums from my 16-month old, crying from my six-month old, and all the other new demands that were placed on me. I felt like I was isolated from all of the things that I had once enjoyed.
On a bad day, my anger would lead to sudden outbursts in front of my children, where I would yell and scream and throw things around, until I’d notice the horrified looks on their little faces.
I’d literally be brought to my knees in tears with guilt and self-hatred over my behavior. I couldn’t believe how bad of a mother I felt I had become.
But one day something happened that sent me on a mission to find help for my postpartum depression, and it changed my life forever.
During an angry outrage over one of my kids’ whining, I slammed a knife on the bench so hard… it bounced off and narrowly missed his head.
Completely shocked, I fell apart. I couldn’t handle it anymore. “I HATE MY LIFE” I screamed, as I ran crying to my room – all with my six month old still on my hip.
I honestly felt like…

I Was Trapped In A Dark Place I Couldn’t Get Myself Out Of…
I felt broken. I hated myself for what had happened. “Who does this?” I thought. “What sort of mother am I?”
And then, something strange happened. Right in the middle of that breakdown… right in the middle of those tears… I gained an amazing clarity and focus.
Two very distinct sentences entered my mind in that exact moment. It said:
“No one else can change this for you. No one else can change the way you feel about your life, only you can.”

I realized that if I didn’t do something for myself and learn how to make these changes… I’d be stuck feeling like this forever. And there was simply NO WAY I could deal with it.
So I went on a personal mission, and spent hours and hours reading every single book I could find on postpartum depression, regular depression, how to attain happiness, and more.
I was determined to do this for me AND my family. I owed it to them to be a better mum.

How I Finally Had My Breakthrough…
My big breakthrough came when I began reading books that were specifically written by Mums who had dealt with postpartum depression… who were now happier than they’ve ever been in their lives.
I literally became an information sponge… putting every single tip I learned into practice.
And the results were simply amazing because I started noticing dramatic improvements in my mood within the first few days.
I started feeling a lot better. Things didn’t seem to bother me as much.
I Finally Felt Happy…
From all the books I read, I learned 5 simple steps that gave me an overall feeling of peace of mind and calmness.
For the first time in a long time… I finally felt like myself again. I was content.
Because of those 5 steps I learned, these days my life is now filled with happiness and contentment, and NOT the sadness and irritability that my postpartum had been causing.
It’s like a giant weight has been lifted off from my shoulders.
And for a long time… my friends, family, and husband have been watching my transformation from angry, depressed mum… to a happy, caring, loving woman who has total peace of mind.
They’ve seen the success I’ve had, first-hand. And they all said “You have to write this stuff down and share it with other people. You could help out a LOT of other women who are dealing with postpartum depression!”
So that’s what I did.
I was able to develop an easy five-step process that I used (and still use today) to stop those relentless feelings of failure that come with postpartum depression.
And Now I Want To Help You Get Your Life Back…
I want you to know that there is something that you can do about your stress and your depression.
I’m living proof of that. I know what it feels like to be stressed and emotionally drained from postpartum.
I don’t want you to have to deal with that.
Ever since my discovery, I’ve helped thousands of women get back to living their lives.
And now, I’d love to share my 5 step process so you can change your current situation and stop your postpartum depression.
Introducing My 12 Week Postpartum Depression Recovery Program
My 12 week step by step Postpartum Depression Recovery Program will help you overcome the feelings of overwhelm and stress that can make motherhood seem almost unbearable at times.
You see, during my process of trying to get myself out of my postpartum depression, I came up with an easy-to-use five step technique called: The Mind TRACK to Happiness Process.
My system uses the word TRACK as an acronym for the five steps. They are:
T- Thoughts, R- Reality, A- Aim, C- Choices, K- Know your plan and take action!
Here Is What My System is All About

Think of this process as if you were climbing a ladder. At the bottom of the ladder are your sad, stressful, worthless thoughts and perceptions that are causing your postpartum depression. Your thoughts have become a habitual monologue that often runs unnoticed in the background of your mind. The first step is to acknowledge and identify these thoughts.
As you take the next step up the ladder to happiness… you start to change your thoughts. All stress is a conflict between belief (what I’m thinking) and reality (what is actually happening and an accurate perception of what is happening). These two steps are the most crucial steps that will STOP you feeling so sad and depressed! This program gives you a very specific and easy-to-remember model for upgrading the negative thinking to be in alignment with reality and change your perspective on the challenges you face.
Once you are aligned with reality, the rest of the steps turn your attention towards solutions: How to get what you want and do something about life when it’s not the way you want it to be.
By using this process… what you’re doing is shifting your attention away from those unproductive thoughts that are causing you to feel depressed, sad, and overwhelmed… and instead you’re changing your thoughts and habits so they support your HAPPINESS.
Bottom line is… if you learn the right mindset and approach to these challenges, you can change your defeated, negative, sad and depressed feedlings and begin feeling more happiness and enjoyment for life. All feelings are a result of your thinking. This program arms you with the ability to change this thinking (even in the heat of the moment) and handle ANY situation that arises in your life.
What’s more is that you don’t need to keep rolling around in the events of your past to get better. This only reinforces the thinking that underlies your depression. This program will teach you once and for all how to change this thinking and STOP feeling so bad about yourself and your life.

You Can Learn What I’ve Already Gone Through


Look, there’s nothing ‘wrong’ with you.
All that’s happening is that you have negative, self-defeating thoughts that are poisoning your mind. These need to be corrected and I can teach you how to do this.
It’s like we’re going to take that cassette tape of negative thoughts out of your tape player (your brain) and we’re going to smash it into little pieces!
With The Postpartum Depression Recovery Program, not only will you stop your postpartum depression, but you’ll also learn how to put a stop to the cycle of handing down the same depression-causing beliefs to your children.
Remember, YOU are the only one that can change the way you feel about your life and you can do this by joining this program and investing in new information that will change your life.
Does This Program ACTUALLY Work?
Many women ask me… “Could it really be THIS EASY to end your feelings of anger, sadness, aloneness, and overwhelm?”
“Could it really be possible that doing so will help increase my happiness in all areas of my life”?
And the answer is “Without a doubt!” I got over my postpartum depression and became a VERY happy mum who enjoys her kids.
I’ll show you the exact steps I used to end my postpartum depression and start living the happy, peaceful, comfortable life I’ve always wanted.
Because of my discovery… you don’t have to search for answers any longer.


You too Can Finally Have the Happy Life You Want
I’ll show you how to eliminate the negative energy that’s causing you to feel this way.
And as a result, you’re going to feel so much better about your life.
You’re going to become a much better Mum, parent, and role-model because of it.
I’m going to lay out the exact steps you need to follow… so you no longer have to wonder if you’re doing all the right things.
Better yet, you can learn ALL of it in just a few minutes… so you can start feeling more like yourself a lot sooner.

End Your Constant Sadness

& Be the Happy Mum You Want To Be

You won’t have the sadness, confusion, anger, and disappointment that MOST women deal with when they’re unaware of how to end their suffering.
Look, I know that you may not see a silver lining in your life right now.
I GET that. Again, I’ve been there.
It’s hard for you to feel enthusiastic or happy… because your own doubts and worries about your life are getting in the way of living the life you KNOW you were meant to live?
But I also want to let you know that…
It’s Not Too Late To Get A Brand New Lease on Life
Let me ask… have you ever wanted to get a “fresh start” in your life… where you finally had the happiness you really wanted?
It’s an incredible feeling when you can leave your worries behind you… and start out with a brand new feeling of peace.
It truly felt like a “fresh start” when I was able to get myself out of my daily “funk” and start being the mum I knew my kids deserved (and the wife I knew my husband deserved).
Feeling better and feeling happier will bring exciting changes and improvements in ALL areas of your life.
The Magic Moment When Your Life Changes For the Better…


I want you to experience that feeling when you truly feel happy with your life… when you truly have the happiness, comfort, peace of mind, and feelings of well-being you want.
Something magical will happen for you when you get over your postpartum depression because you’ll suddenly start to see things more clearly and you’ll start to feel like you’re “living” again.
Imagine what it will feel like to get out of bed in the morning feeling excited about the day ahead, feeling motivated and confident in your ability to handle whatever challenges come your way.
I want you to experience your magic moment… and I want you to realize that you can have ALL of this in just a short time from now.
Start Living Your Life To The Fullest Again…
Here’s what you’ll notice after using the Postpartum Depression Recovery Program:

  • RELIEF as you discover that what’s happening to you can be changed quickly and easily.
  • An UNDERSTANDING of why you got PPD in the first place (in fact it will make perfect sense to you after completing the first week’s lesson!)
  • A clear and effective way to STOP anger, guilt, self-criticism and feeling like a failure
  • You’ll get your SELF-WORTH back and you’ll learn how to feel good about yourself again.
  • MOTIVATION and interest in setting goals and getting back into life again
  • EMPOWERED to take on motherhood and the challenges of your life.
  • The ability to be a HAPPIER, MORE CONFIDENT MUM.
Remember, I’ve been where you are and I know exactly how you feel.
And I’m PROOF that things can change for the best.
I designed this program to help you get rid of the anger, overwhelm, sadness, and feelings of being alone!
Here’s How This 12-Week Depression Recovery Program Works…
Each week… you’ll be sent a link via email with access to the week’s lesson that takes you by the hand and shows you step-by-step how to work your way out of your depression
Every day you’ll receive an email telling you what each day’s lesson is about with a link to log in.
On the 7th day of each week, you’ll be given an exercise to do so that you can USE in your daily life exactly what you’ve learned.
You’ll also have access to a member’s only Question and Answer (Q&A) Forum where you can ask questions about the material and how it relates to your specific situation.
If you have a particularly sensitive topic and you don’t wish to have it up on the Member’s Forum, you can email your question direct to me and I’ll help you in person.
I’m Right There, By Your Side, Each Step of the Way…
You’ll always be answered within 24 hours of posting your question.
Not only will you have your questions answered through the Member’s forum, you’ll also be able to see the answers of other questions posted by other members.
That way, you get to see different ways this information can be applied to different circumstances, giving you an even deeper understanding of the 5 steps taught in this program.
If you email the question, it will not be seen on the forum, so your privacy is maintained.


So How Much Does This Program Cost?
Well, let me ask… what price can you put on feeling better about yourself?
What’s your happiness worth?
Because the truth is, it’s not about how much this going to cost you… it’s about how you’re going to feel when you finally stop feeling sad, alone, and overwhelmed.
The fact is, you can’t put a price on your child being able to have a happy mother!
You’d spend thousands of dollars going to see a doctor. In fact, if you do feel you’re suicidal or in a deep, deep depression, I suggest you get medical help right away.
But without a doubt, just like the thousands of other mums I’ve helped with depression, you too can be happy, healthy and more confident in yourself and in your parenting abilities.
And since I can offer this system to you as an online, downloadable system… there are no printing or shipping costs. That way, I can pass along the savings to you.
If you join today, the Postpartum Recovery Program is now only 
 $19.95 a week!
I can honestly say that there’s NEVER been a resource for mums that gives you the support, guidance, and knowledge you need for such an unbelievably affordable price.
For the Cost of a Cup of Coffee a day, you can Feel Happy Again
But just one small word of warning; this program is only $19.95 per week for a limited time. Once we fill up the class with a number I can comfortably teach, I’ll stop accepting enrollment.
So if you want to finally get out of that dark place that’s holding you back from living your life to the fullest, you’ll want to act right now.
What’s more… you are NOT locked into the full 12 weeks; you can stop at any time.
Not only that… I know you’re a busy, exhausted, overworked and time-strapped mum.


So This Program Was Designed Specifically For Busy Mums!
  1. Most lessons are available in Audio – You can download the audio lessons right through your iphone, ipad or PC. That way, you can listen to the lessons while doing your housework. (Note: a great way to fit the daily reading in while your little one sleeps.)
  2. Some lessons are taught via video – Lessons sometimes contain videos to show you a visual explanation of the method.
  3. It’s time friendly – Knowing how mums are often short on time, your readings only take about 15 minutes each day. And just one hour is all that’s needed for your end of week exercise. Breaking it down this way helps you fit it in with the demands of your day.
  4. You only have to remember five steps – The best part of this program is that you’ll be learning a simple, easy 5-step process that will help you to handle every challenge that you come across both in parenting and in life and you will be shown many different ways that this simple process can be applied.
  5. Order Now and Receive These 3 Gifts, Worth at Least $98, FREE!
Free Bonus #1: The Happy Mum Handbook ($29.95 value)

Order now and you’ll get a PDF copy of the internationally top-selling ebook – The Happy Mum Handbook. This is 300 pages of original information containing the full method used by the Anti-depression Association of Australia who have helped over 4,000 people to overcome stress, depression and anxiety with very high success rates.
Free Bonus #2: YOU Inside the Mum PDF Manual ($29.95 value)
You’ll also receive a free PDF copy of the ‘YOU Inside the Mum’ Manual which gives you more ways to change how you feel. Topics such as loss of identity, relationships, anger, guilt, time management, how to be passionate about life, and lots of tips to deal with everyday little problems that we incur as mums.
Free Bonus #3: Discounts on Future Membership ($29.95 value)
After you complete the initial 12 week program, you’ll have the opportunity to sign up for our ongoing membership site for a discount. You’ll receive ongoing support and full access to all of the week’s lessons, so as you continue your recovery, you always have someone to lean on.


To Recap, Here’s Everything You Get:
  • Access to your weekly e-classes via the member’s site.
  • Access to your weekly e-classes via audio.
  • Daily motivational emails to keep you inspired.
  • Access to the 300-page PDF of The “YOU Inside the Mum” Manual (retailing at $29.95).
  • A PDF copy of The Happy Mum Handbook (retailing at $29.95) absolutely FREE.
  • Access to our members-only forum for any question you have.
  • Email support for those sensitive questions that you don’t want displayed on the forum
You Get ALL of This for Just $19.95 a week!
I can assure you… $19.95 is a very small amount to invest in a stress-free, happier life!
That’s basically what it costs for a quality large pizza. And I’m sure a large pizza isn’t going to show you how to permanently feel happy and better about your life.
I just know this 12 week program is going to help ease your pains and frustrations… and solve your problems that you’re facing as a new mum who has suddenly found herself overwhelmed.
I know this stuff works because I’ve gotten a ton of Success Stories from other women who have used it to get through their depression a lot faster and easier… and become happy.
In fact, here are 2 recent success stories I received from mums who have used my advice…
Testimonial 1: “I have never really read anything like this. It made me realize how much judgement I have in my life. And that my mood is determined by my ‘get my life right’ model. It’s nice to accept myself and know I have implicit value despite my output.” Lisa – Glen Iris, Victoria

Testimonial 2: “I am really enjoying the program so far… I’ve just completed week 4 and it’s given me so much hope that I can finally take responsibility for my thoughts and get better. Counselling seemed like dragging up issues, and medication felt like masking the pain. Finally something practical that I can use. I love how it is broken down into manageable sections and literally takes 5 minutes a day. Zac sat next to me and played happily with his cars while I completed the lesson – that’s how easy it is to find the time. Kara – Ballarat, Victoria
Knowing I’ve developed a method that helps others is the most fulfilling thing I’ve ever done.

Here’s Your No-Risk, 100% Money Back Guarantee!
You know… I’m very confident this postpartum depression recovery program will give you everything you need so you can start feeling happy and like yourself again.
I’ve already tested and proven it with my own success. And it has also worked for each and every Mum who has seriously followed along in the program.
But even so, I want to eliminate all worry for you by letting you use this program at my expense!
I want you to do what’s BEST for you, right now. In other words… go ahead and order this program right now and take a full 8 weeks to try it out.
If you don’t feel like you’re happier, like you have more feelings of well-being and peace of mind, if you don’t feel like your life has changed for the best… just let me know and I’ll refund 100% of your purchase price. Absolutely no questions asked. Period.
That’s more than a guarantee, that’s a personal promise.
And since you took the time to try it, you can keep the PDF bonus gifts… free of charge… even if you decide to take advantage of the money-back guarantee.
It’s Your Turn To Shine…
To Do Something For YOU
So you have a very important choice to make here.
You can keep WISHING you had the happiness and the life you want. But as you already know…postpartum depression won’t just go away UNLESS you do something to change it.
I Don’t Want You to Feel Like This Forever
Or… you can take action and do this for your family, your kids, and more importantly…for YOU!
In just a few short weeks… you can have the happiness you never thought possible. And when you’re happy and confident with yourself… you just feel a WHOLE lot better.
And you know something… you deserve this. As a new mum… you want to feel good about your life, your kids, and your family, right?
So go ahead and take the next step. It really will be a life-changing experience… I promise!
Use my experience as a shortcut guide that can lead you to a new outlook…a newfound happiness… straight to a brand new you!
Here’s what to do now: Click the “register now” button below and order through paypal (you don’t have to have an account) and you’ll be downloading the log in information in just a minute!


Jackie Hall
P.S. Sadly, so many Mums will go about their lives without experiencing the happiness and peace of mind they deserve. They’re too busy giving to others… and not to themselves.
I don’t want you to be one of them. It’s important you feel GOOD – it’s important you’re happy!
Just think of how you’ll feel when you’re finally free from the feelings of sadness, despair, and emptiness and how your life will be when you feel like you’re FINALLY the Mum you know you can be.
You’ll feel more like yourself… like you’ve finally gotten your life back. You’ll be happy and free.
P.P.S. And remember, there’s absolutely no risk for trying this out. If it’s not for you, you can get your money back quickly and easily. So don’t you owe it to yourself to at least try it?
Don’t delay. Order now and you can be receiving this program in less than a minute.
